Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Monday, 6 June 2022, 10:45

An arrangement fit for the Queen

An arrangement fit for the Queen

What a joy it has been for us to be able to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, a unique occasion indeed. I expect most of your churches, along with mine here in Broomfield decorated their doors and windows with appropriate flowers and the English flag… I am sure you will agree with me that no other country can upstage us, here in England, for organising such events as that of the military, aeroplanes, Church services, parties, stage events, lights, displays, beacons and suchlike… We were totally overwhelmed by the amazing, four-day array of events that were organised for our faithful, servant the Queen. What a lady eh? Even she must have been moved by the outpouring of love shown to her by her subjects. Especially as we celebrated the time of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit poured out its love, might and power onto Christ’s disciples. Do you believe that the Holy Spirit was watching over the Queen and all of her subjects here in England and the Commonwealth this week? I am sure he was… Amen.

 Posted: 6 Jun 2022 | There are 0 comments

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