A prayer for the Coronation of King Charles 111

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 07:53

King Charles 111 Coronation

King Charles 111 Coronation

On this special occasion, in particular for members in Britain & Ireland and the Commonwealth, as we celebrate the Coronation of King Charles 111 and pray for his reign. This moment is also a reminder of God’s call on us all, wherever we live in the world, both to pray for those in authority over us and to recognise that we are subjects of the Kingdom of God, whose King will reign forever.

Almighty God, on this joyous occasion we, the members of Mothers’ Union, offer our prayers for the reign of King Charles 111. May the wisdom of God, the love of Christ and the power of the Spirit guide him to govern with righteousness, that all may live in peace and harmony. We pray your blessing on the King, the Queen and the Royal Family as they share in the privilege and responsibilities of service. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

 Posted: 3 May 2023 | There are 0 comments

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