Domestic Abuse

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Monday, 25 July 2022, 09:06

Fearing for their lives.

Fearing for their lives.

When I reached my middle teens, I can often recall my mother saying, something along the lines of ‘If a man ever lays a hand on you get away fast’. But, only ever knowing a gentle, loving father, I didn’t really understand the significance of her statement and never did for I was fortunate enough to meet and marry a kind, thoughtful and loving man. However, after years of becoming much more worldly-wise, hearing, reading and seeing the shocking stories of women who have to suffer, not only physical abuse from their partners but that of sexual and mental abuse too, controlling, violent, behaviour that can often result in serious injury, even death. For many years the Mothers’ Union has supported and lobbied for gender-based violence to be tackled, but with many women fearing for their own and their children’s lives it’s not an easy problem to tackle – But Mothers’ Union never shirks from the seemingly impossible and constantly works to highlight the problem that many women encounter on a daily, weekly and yearly basis. Will the MU ever be able to stop this dreadful scourge? I honestly don’t think so, but I am confident that the Mothers’ Union will never give up trying: Read or refresh your memory of the article entitled ‘The Silent Pandemic.’ In the Spring edition of ‘Connected’ 22.

 Posted: 25 Jul 2022 | There are 0 comments

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