Eco Kitchen: Dairy

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Monday, 22 May 2023, 09:20

Dairy products not to be wasted

Dairy products not to be wasted

Dairy products are all the foods made from milk. Not eggs, even though eggs are often associated with dairy products they are a separate entity altogether, so I will deal with eggs in the next Eco Kitchen. Dairy products consist of milk, cheese, butter etc. Lots of dairy products are thrown out each day of the week, so to be eco-friendly we have to look at ways to save our milk-foods. Milk is extremely good for the majority of people those who are intolerant can now get plant alternatives. However, real milk is packed with nutrients, it’s good for your bones, teeth and nails and it is very versatile. So put on your wellies and go meet the cow!

Crave Pure Spiritual Milk’: Peter: Dairy: Most mammals produce drinkable milk, cow, donkey, camel, buffalo, goat even cockroaches, (although I think I would skip that one). Mother’s milk for their baby far surpasses any product that can be bought and lucky the child that is fortunate enough to be nurtured in this way. But to look at everyday milk, is nothing but amazing, it can be frozen, chilled, warmed, boiled, cooked in numerous dishes, including sweet and savory. It is used in drinks and an unbelievable number of ready-made products that you can buy from your favorite store. Milk can be stored and purchased in many ways, it can be bottled, packaged and powdered, and when I was a little girl, my mum could buy milk straight from a cow that was kept in the back of the local dairy store, she used to take her own jug… Ah, memories eh? Milk can be made into many different types of cheese, coming in all shapes and sizes with different flavours and textures. Phew! Milk, is a very healthy drink, but I would ask you to beware of buying large bottles or packs, as once it goes off, it tastes disgusting, ruins your tea and has to be thrown down the drain. Milk isn’t free or cheap any longer so check how long it is said to last and before it is on its way out you can easily make some pancakes or yorkies, etc., with it, and if you can’t eat them straight away, they will freeze easily. Cheese is another item that can go off if left in the plastic pack, fortunately it will keep in the fridge for a while, but if you think it has had long enough, it is so easy to grate and freeze for another day. Cottage cheese (yuk or yum) is extremely low in calories and is handy for a quick, healthy, salad lunch. If you cannot stand the thought of eating plain cottage cheese, try flavouring it up, choose the cheapest pack then once home mix in your favorite items, nuts, seeds, allspice, dried fruit, curry powder, almond oil, meat, fish, anything that you might fancy. And enjoy at your leisure. Most cheeses need to be kept in the fridge, but there are some cheeses that are better kept at room temperature but I would think they would have to be consumed as soon as possible. Butter keeps perfect in the freezer plus ice cream of course, so make the most of this health-giving product and never waste any. PS. Milk is often used in chocolate, to help make is smooth, tasty and delicious to eat, not that I am suggesting you buying chocolate but at least the milk therein keeps for ages especially if you keep it in the fridge. Shhhh……………….

Church Kitchen: Milk left in the church fridge, goes off really quick so it’s always best to supply milk as and when needed and open cartons or bottles should be taken home after the meeting or event.

 Posted: 22 May 2023 | There are 0 comments

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