Eco Kitchen: Salad

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Friday, 17 March 2023, 19:51

Salads are so good for you.

Salads are so good for you.

Salad! Do you eat salad vegetables daily? Or do you only put out a dish or bowl of salad if you are expecting company? Fresh salad vegetables are wonderful, beautiful, refreshing and extraordinarily good for your health. Another great thing about salads is the fact that because they are so low in calories you can eat masses of salad without the consequences, even avocado pear, although high in calories the oil it contains is very healthy. I can remember years ago, scolding my young grandson because at a family buffet he kept coming up and helping himself to bits of salad, however, I quickly realised the mistake I had made and offered him the dish. Now a young man, he still admits to loving salad! So, I am pleased my nagging never put him off…

God said, I have given plant food: Genesis: Salads: As healthy as salad vegetables are they can go off quickly and unfortunately, they are yet another item of food that often ends up in the bin. To avoid binning salad vegetables, check out the sell-by date before buying, then once home, rinse the items in cold water and either store in reusable plastic bags or wrap in a clean tea-towel. Not mushrooms however, they need to go into a paper bag… There is an abundance of salad vegetables available so avoid make your salads look boring by only using lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber… Add onion, bell-peppers, celery, beetroot, chives, radishes, grated carrots, the list is endless. You can add fresh, young uncooked veg such as peas, green beans, sweetcorn, broccoli florets, etc. You can even add edible flowers that you can grow in your garden. And, if you want to make your salad look different, prepare it a different way! Chop everything up very small, or lay it out in sections as opposed to mixing it up, put your salad in individual glass jars or bowls… Use your imagination. And any left over from a function can be rinsed, bagged up and refrigerated ready to eat the next day. Plus, before your next shop, instead of tossing out salad leftovers, almost everything left can be chopped, blanched and frozen and used in soups and stews later, all lettuce, apart from the small, soft, round lettuce, can be chopped up and mixed with other vegetables and frozen, ready to be used in soups, stews, casseroles and pies, etc… And mixed with herbs and spices, your leftovers can be liquidised, frozen and once thawed and mixed with oils they can be used as dressings. You name it and your leftover salad vegetables (and cash) need never be wasted.

Church Kitchen: Once a church function is over that included a buffet, make sure you gather up all the leftover salad items and give them away to people going home, with luck, they will use it later or perhaps the next day so that nothing is wasted.

 Posted: 17 Mar 2023 | There are 0 comments

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