God Never Forgets: 

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Wednesday, 21 September 2022, 15:04

God never forgets you...

God never forgets you...

I was reading an article in the Spring edition of ‘Connected’ and it brought to mind a story of my own. It’s not one bit like the story I was reading but it had the same ring of poignancy, love and care. The story I was reading, was about a lady in a care-home suffering with dementia. It seems that she would constantly pace the floor say the word ‘God’. The carers really didn’t know how to tackle the problem until a nurse, started to walk with the lady and eventually asked her if she was worried that, unless she kept calling on God, she would forget Him. Immediately the lady said ‘Yes, yes’ to which the nurse replied ‘Don’t worry about forgetting God, for even if you do, He will never forget you!’ This statement calmed the lady down and she ceased pacing the floor. This story reminded me of a curate I know who went to visit a member of her church who was critically ill. When she arrived at the hospital the sick lady’s husband was very upset and told the curate that his wife was sleeping all the time and hadn’t spoken a word even though he had tried to engage with her. The curate calmed the anxious man down and said that she would pray with the lady, for although the lady was not speaking, she could still hear – so, the curate took the lady’s hand and proceeded to say prayers over her. After some time and with no response the curate started to say the Lord’s Prayer and to their amazement the sick lady started quietly saying the words with her. The curate finally went, leaving a very peaceful lady and a much calmer husband. Unfortunately, the lady passed away that evening, and although the man was very sad, he would often speak of the curate’s kindness and his wife’s final words, that of the Lord’s Prayer: Amen

 Posted: 21 Sep 2022 | There are 0 comments

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