Jamaica and the Cayman Islands

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Monday, 4 April 2022, 12:03

A full version of the photo is below

A full version of the photo is below

News from Jamaica and the Cayman Islands: Please see this delightful photo of the Cross with its rosettes. The photo was sent from Sandi B to Lucy Bubb, who kindly sent it on to me. Along with the photo, Sandi said that she hoped we all had a lovely and enjoyable Ladies Day and Mothering Sunday. Sandi told us that they had a combination service to observe both days. Their Deanery met in Port Antonio, where they had a guest speaker who is the co-founder of a campaign known as "Changing the Game". It focuses on reclaiming boys. She is an avid sportswoman so uses sports as her avenue. And I can assure you It was a good presentation. Best wishes from Sandi B.

Such a lovely photo

Such a lovely photo

 Posted: 4 Apr 2022 | There are 0 comments

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