MU May Newsletter

posted by: Joan Vine | on: Wednesday, 10 May 2023, 16:17

May Newsletter

May Newsletter

Thoughts from your President, Maxine Paul: Here we are in May – Easter is behind us, as with the Coronation and we have a Summer of Hope to look forward to, not forgetting our May Council meeting on 24th May. In between now and then, I’m off on one of my cruises and the break will be very welcome! Since Easter, Secretary Kathryn and I have been working on Roundabout which you will all receive before the end of the month, but with a deadline of 1st April, inevitably, recent things miss out and I feel I must congratulate the newly merged Stanford-le-Hope with United Benefice of Corringham and Fobbing Branch – undoubtedly the longest named branch in the diocese! Another good way of avoiding completely closing a branch is to merge with one nearby. I was delighted to be able to join them for a special service of dedication for a new branch with lots of long-standing members and my prayers are with them for the future. I hope you used the MU prayer for the Coronation of King Charles III below in your church services and branch meetings and be prepared for the prayer-based President’s Challenge which I will announce at Council. Do try to come along and you will also hear about the excellent Thrive Support Group for Domestic Abuse Survivors direct from the team at Epping, St John. God bless your Coronation celebrations and I look forward to seeing you on 24th May. With love and blessings. Maxine x

Note: If you want to read all the letter, please click on the link below…


word file Download May Newsletter (471 kb)

 Posted: 10 May 2023 | There are 0 comments

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